The London Symposium was an educational and promotional event organised by Sanofi which was held over 2 days (19th May & 16th June) for healthcare professionals in the Rep of Ireland and UK.  To view the presentations from the 2 days please see below.

DAY 1: 19th May

Professor Stephanie Amiel

Emeritus Professor of Diabetic Research - Kings College London

Who Needs Anything Other Than Technology


Professor Pratik Choudhary

Professor/Hon Consultant in Diabetes, DRC, Leicester Diabetes Centre - Bloom University of Leicester

Keeping up With The Changing Glycaemic Management Targets

Professor Richard Bergenstal

Executive Director international Diabetes Centre, Clinical Professor University of Minnesota

What the InRange Study Can Teach Us About Time-in-Range (TIR)

What the InRange Study Can Teach Us About Time-in-Range (TIR)

DAY 2: 16th June

Dr Miranda Rosenthal

Consultant - Royal Free Hospital

Beta Cell Replacement - From Treatment to The Search For a Potential "Cure"

Professor Luigi Gnudi

Professor of Diabetes and Metabolic Medicine - King's College London

Glycaemic Control and Diabetic Nephropathy

Professor Sobha Sivaprasad

Professor and Consultant Ophthalmologist, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK

Advances in Management of Diabetic Retinopathy

Professor Solomon Tesfaye

Consultant Physician/Endocrinologist at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals and Honorary Professor of Diabetic Medicine at the University of Sheffield

New Dimensions in the Management of "Painful Diabetic Neuropathy"

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Date of preparation: November 2022